The application – Do you make the app do the work?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] over 2 years ago.See history

An Application upgrade might not only include the .exe and .dll but the database changes. How to deploy these changes, manually or using tools to deploy?

Let's see the bad and good examples:

Dear Mr Northwind,

Before installing your application, you need to run this script by first opening up SQL Management Studio. Open the attached script, point it to Northwind and execute the script.

Let me know if you have any issues... We worked very hard on this release.

I hope you’re happy with it.


Figure: Bad example - run SQL scripts manually

Hi Mr. Northwind,

Please run the attached Northwind_v5.exe.

Click Run when the prompt appears.


Figure: Better example - run SQL scripts using another package

Dear Mr Northwind,

When you run the Northwind v1.0 (Rich Client) it will automatically upgrade the database for you.

Just make sure you have dbo permissions ⚠️

Let me know if you run into any issues.


Figure: Better example - run SQL scripts in the application. There is a tool called SQL Deploy | Reconcile

Dear Mr Northwind,

We have just deployed a new release and updated the database for you. Please view it live here.

If you have any questions please let me know.


Figure: Good example - All done as part of the release pipeline

Adam Cogan
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