SSW Foursquare

Do you use a helper extension method to raise events?

Last updated by Brook Jeynes [SSW] over 1 year ago.See history

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Instead of:

private void RaiseUpdateOnExistingLotReceived() {
  if (ExistingLotUpdated != null) {

...use this event extension method:

public static void Raise<t>(
  this EventHandler<t> @event,
  object sender,
  T args
) where T : EventArgs {
  var temp = @event;

  if (temp != null) {
    temp(sender, args);

public static void Raise(this Action @event) {
  var temp = @event;

  if (temp != null) {

That means that instead of calling:

RaiseExistingLotUpdated(); can do:


Less code = less code to maintain = less code to be blamed for ;)

Adam Cogan
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