Practices - Do you use client-side routing?

Last updated by SSW.Rules.SharePointExtractor almost 4 years ago.See history

Single page applications (SPAs) are getting more and more popular, and for good reason – a better and faster user experience, reduced server load and encourages good API separation.

But have you ever visited a website, thought “I’ll refresh that” and then got taken back to the home screen? Or tried to copy or bookmark the URL, only to find it’s just “/Home”? This happens when client-side routing hasn’t been implemented properly and is a big hit to a site’s usability.

This is easily fixed with Angular ’s routing capabilities, and implementing it in your SPA will confer several advantages:

  • URLs can be copy-pasted and shared
  • Page refreshes work as expected
  • Less prone to errors
  • Better separation of concerns (navigation vs page state)

client side bad
Figure: Bad example - The blog post component is choosing components based on the state of the component

A better way is to set up routes, and use a router (the first-party component router is great for this) to manage your components:

client side good
Good: Setting up declarative routes and outlets gives a good user experience, persistent URLs, and fewer moving parts

Steve Leigh
Duncan Hunter
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