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Do you use Environment.NewLine to make a new line in your string?

Last updated by Brook Jeynes [SSW] over 1 year ago.See history

When you need to create a new line in your string, make sure you use Environment.NewLine, and then literally begin typing your code on a new line for readability purposes.

string strExample = "This is a very long string that is \r\n not properly implementing a new line.";

Bad example - The string has implemented a manual carriage return line feed pair \r\n

string strExample = "This is a very long string that is " + Environment.NewLine +
		 " properly implementing a new line.";

OK example - The new line is created with Enviroment.NewLine (but strings are immutable)

var example = new StringBuilder();

example.AppendLine("This is a very long string that is ");

example.Append(" properly implementing a new line.");

Good example - The new line is created by the StringBuilder and has better memory utilisation

Adam Cogan
Matt Wicks
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