Do you use heading tags where appropriate (H1, H2, H3...)?

Last updated by Seth Daily [SSW] over 1 year ago.See history

You should understand the hierarchy and try to use the heading tags (<H1>, <H2> or <H3>...) for titles and subtitles.

You should only use one H1 tag on a page. Search engines weight this heavily and can get confused by multiple main headings.

The following are benefits of using heading tags:

  • Improves the ranking with the search engines (extra weighting is given to text in H1 and H2)
  • Makes cleaner and leaner HTML

Note: It's also important to customize these headings via CSS, making the font bigger, bold or in a different color. This way page looks nice and organized.

  <span class="Heading">Introduction</span>

  Lets chatter about...

Figure: Bad example - Using span tags and CSS classes to insert headings to content


Figure: Good example - Using heading tags

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