Debugging - Do you use Hot Reload?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] 7 months ago.See history

Developing mobile apps presents unique challenges compared to web or desktop development. One of the problems is that when using MVVM or using dynamic data on a page, you need to run your app to populate the data and see what your UI will actually look like.

hot reload bad
Figure: Bad example - Rebuilding your app every time to see small UI changes

To get around this problem use Hot Reload. This lets you make changes to your XAML while debugging your app - as soon as you save your UI will update, without having to stop and rebuild your app.

hot reload good
Figure: Good example - Hot reload enable screenshot Windows

Tip: This works on the iOS simulator, the Android emulator, and physical iOS and Android devices.

Adam Cogan
Matt Goldman
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