Do you add "https://" to links in YouTube descriptions?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] 3 months ago.See history

Sometimes, you may come across text in a YouTube description that appears to be a link but lacks the familiar blue color plus underline and isn't clickable. This often happens because the text is missing the "https://" prefix.

Modern content editors and web browsers usually recognize this prefix as an indicator that the text should be converted into a clickable link. Without it, the text remains plain and doesn’t function as a hyperlink.

url https image 1
Figure: Bad example - The URL does not include "https://" prefix. The URL is not short and readable

Read the rule Do you make URLs short and readable? for a better understanding of how to create good URL's.

url https image 2
Figure: Good example - "https://" prefix included making it a link. The URL has been made short and readable

Making links clickable encourages more people to click on them.

Joseph Fernandez
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