SSW Foursquare

Display - Do you use your company name and location as part of your display name?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] over 1 year ago.See history

Using your company name as part of your Display Name has the double advantage of firstly branding, and secondly, indicating to other parties that your IM account is for work purposes.

display your company name
Figure: Display your company name and location

Be aware that while you can change your display name, Skype doesn't allow you to rename the account... So use your full name. If you just use "Peter", then people can't distinguish you from the 3 other Peters they have.

Tip: If you travel around people often will ask you "Where are you?" You can avoid this by putting the square brackets where you currently are. E.g. [SSW Brisbane] or [Cisco Melbourne]

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