Do you validate each "Denormalized Field"?

Last updated by Brook Jeynes [SSW] over 1 year ago.See history

Ideally you should be using computed columns as per Schema - Do you use computed columns rather than denormalized fields?

Many of the databases that SSW works with make use of denormalized fields. We believe this is with good reason. However, several precautions should be taken to ensure that the data held within these fields is reliable. This is particularly the case several applications are updating your denormalized data. To illustrate, let's say that we want to show all Customers with a calculated field totalling their order amount (ie Customer.OrderTotal).

With this example in mind, the main reasons we use denormalized fields are:

Reducing development complexity

A denormalized field can mean that all SELECT queries in the database are simpler. Power users find it easier to use for reporting purposes - without the need for a cube. In our example, we would not need a large view to retrieve the data (as below).

    SUM (SalesOrderDetail.OrderQty *
             (SalesOrderDetail.UnitPrice -
    ) AS DetailTotal,
    Customer.SalesPersonID, Customer.TerritoryID,
    Customer.ModifiedDate, Customer.rowguid
FROM Customer
INNER JOIN SalesOrderHeader
    ON Customer.CustomerID = SalesOrderHeader.CustomerID
INNER JOIN SalesOrderDetail
    ON SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID =
GROUP BY Customer.CustomerID, Customer.SalesPersonID,
    Customer.TerritoryID, Customer.AccountNumber,
ORDER BY Customer.CustomerID

Figure: A view to get customer totals when no denormalized fields are used

If we had a denormalized field, the user or developer would simply have run the following query:

    Customer.OrderTotal AS DetailTotal
FROM Customer
ORDER BY Customer.CustomerID

Figure: Queries are much simpler with denormalized fields

Note: that this is not a particularly complicated example. However, you can see why it can simplify development greatly when working with a large number of tables.

Performance is better for read-intensive reports

Particularly when reporting on data with a cube.

When there a multiple tables in a SQL Server view

They cannot be updated in one hit - they must be updated one table at a time.

It is a built-in validation device

For example, if records are accidentally deleted directly in the database, there is still a validation check for the correct totals. The value of this is mitigated when there is a full audit log on the database

However, there are reasons against using denormalized fields:

They have to be maintained and can potentially get out of synch

This can make them unreliable - particularly if several applications are incorrectly updating the denormalized fields. UPDATE, INSERT, DELETEs are more complicated as they have to update the denormalized fields

They can be seen as an unnecessary waste of space

All in all, we choose to still use denormalized fields because they can save development time. We do this with some provisos. In particular, they must be validated correctly to ensure the integrity of the data.

Here is how we ensure that this data is validated:

  1. Change the description on any denormalized fields to include "Denormalized" in the description - "Denormalized: Sum(OrderTotal) FROM Orders" in description in SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Create a view that lists all the denormalized fields in the database - based on the description field.
CREATE VIEW dbo.vwValidateDenormalizedFields
    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(id) AS TableName,
        COL_NAME(id, smallid) AS ColumnName,
        CAST([value] AS VARCHAR(8000)) AS Description,
        'procValidate_' + OBJECT_NAME(id) +
        '_' + COL_NAME(id, smallid) as
    FROM dbo.sysproperties
    WHERE (name = 'MS_Description') AND
                 (CAST([value] AS VARCHAR(8000))
                  LIKE '%Denormalized:%')

Figure: Standard view for validation of a denormalized field

  1. Create a stored procedure (based on the above view) that validates whether all denormalized fields have a stored procedure that validates the data within them
CREATE PROCEDURE procValidateDenormalizedFieldValidators
        ValidationProcedureName AS
    FROM vwValidateDenormalizedFields
    WHERE ValidationProcedureName NOT IN
        SELECT ValidationProcedureName
        FROM vwValidateDenormalizedFields AS vw
        LEFT JOIN sysobjects
            vw.ValidationProcedureName =
        WHERE id IS NOT NULL

Figure: Standard stored procedure for validation of a denormalized field

If you want to know how to implement denormalized fields, see our rule Do you use triggers for denormalized fields?

Adam Cogan
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