Do you know how to capitalize titles and headings?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] 4 months ago.See history

Using correct capitalization in titles and headings for web content is crucial.

For main titles, capitalize the first word, all nouns, verbs (even short ones like "is"), adjectives, and proper nouns. Conjunctions and prepositions should not be capitalized. E.g. "at", "on", "but", "and", "with", etc

Subtitles/subheadings should be written in regular sentence form, without additional capitalization.

You can find more rules & tips about this subject in the article Title Case: Capitalization of Titles, Headings, and Headlines

Title: Exploring the future of Artificial intelligence

Subtitle: How AI Innovations Are Transforming Industries and Society

Figure: Bad example - Inconsistency on words' capitalization and capitalized subtitle

Title: Exploring the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Subtitle: How AI innovations are transforming industries and society

Figure: Good example - Consistent and correct capilalization on title and subtitle

It's best to only do this on main titles, and leave subtitles in normal sentence form - only capitalize the first word and proper nouns. Basically, it saves hassles... English is a confusing language, and there are too many variations that cause too many arguments.

Note: We acknowledge the paradox in this page, as the title itself is not capitalized. The reason is because we structure SSW Rules content based on a category page. For example, Rules to Better Technical Documentation is the main title, and every rule under it is considered a subtitle.

rules to better technical documentation example
Figure: Good example - The main title has capitalization and the subtitles don't

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