Do you have a Priority Alignment meeting?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 3 months ago.See history

Bench Masters are responsible for ensuring that developers get put on projects that align with the companies goals and the developers' career goals. This means they need to stay aligned with the company' stakeholders and keep them informed of the developers' focus. Bench Masters also help employees blocked by a company stakeholder to get unblocked.

This alignment can be achieved through a weekly meeting with the Bench Masters and stakeholders called the Priority Alignment meeting.

The following meeting structure should be followed

After the meeting, the Bench Masters should record a quick summary and send it out to the stakeholders. This is especially important for stakeholders who couldn't attend.

Where do I store the meeting artifacts?

Microsoft loop is a good option, but its important to copy them into an email and send them out to the stakeholders.

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