Do you know the non-Scrum roles of a project?

Last updated by Babanazar Kamyljanov [SSW] about 1 month ago.See history

Medium to large software development projects have people on them with varying roles and responsibilities. In order not to double up, or miss something, it’s important to define what each should do.

Scrum already covers the roles of the Developers, the Product Owner, and the Scrum Master, but from a consultancy’s side, there’s also the Tech Lead and the Account Manager to consider.

Account Manager

Tech Lead

  • Displays ownership of the project, and keeps the code quality high, and technical debt low
  • Responsible for the delivery of the project into production
  • Spec Review - Primary communicator with the Product Owner
  • Project - Primary communicator with the Product Owner
  • DevOps - Ensures good practices are followed e.g. release to production as frequenty as possible
  • Responsible for the architecture and technical direction of the project
  • Helps the Account Manager with technical areas of conflict management
  • Keeps on top of the budget and timelines

tech lead report
Figure: Don't forget! You can use reports to identify projects that are being worked on without Tech Leads

Figure: Good Example - copy this as email template and send to the Tech Lead so they know what is involved

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