Do you have weekly AI meetings?

Last updated by Seth Daily [SSW] 2 months ago.See history

Since AI tools are a fast evolving landscape, it's important to stay on the ball. It's a productivity race - and the mistake of falling behind can compound into financial losses and competitive disadvantage.

When people exeriment with new tools, often they can learn from each other, which helps everybody. Typically a company will have some people who are more enthusiastic about AI "AI evangelists" - and they are in a natural place to lead the exploration of AI productivity.

These AI evangelists should get together to stay up to date - and help spread the "what's good and what's bad in the AI world" to their colleagues.

The best way to do this is by having a weekly meeting.

  • It should be run by the AI evangelists
  • It should also include other attendees (rotating) so they might get some learnings too

Here's an example of a post-meeting email - use it as a starting point:

Figure: Ok example - Notes from an AI meeting - sharing learnings 🧠 but the meeting is quite long

If the above format is too long, it can be good to get it down to the essentials:

Figure: Good example - Quicker meeting that gets down to the important part - what's new in AI? 🧠

Seth Daily
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